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Fruits with a fragile cell structure, that are pulpy and juicy with tiny seeds embedded in the flesh. Examples of berries are blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, and grapes.


Fruits that grow in warm regions, and have a firm rind and a pulpy flesh. Citrus plants are typically evergreen trees or shrubs with glossy oval-shaped leaves; many species have thorns. The flowers are usually white with five petals and are very fragrant. The fruits are a type of modified berry known as a hesperidium, and the flesh is divided into segments packed with tiny juice-filled vesicles. The peel, or rind, of the fruits is leathery and studded with oil glands. Examples of citrus fruits are: oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, limes, kumquats, citrons, tengelows, and ugli fruit.


The Cucurbitaceae family encompasses over 800 species of plants known collectively as gourds or cucurbits. These include cucumbers, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, squash, and many others.


Fruits with a fragile cell structure, that are pulpy and juicy with tiny seeds embedded in the flesh. Examples of berries are blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, and grapes.